- dedicated to the dissemination of the message of
The Poet-Philosopher of the East
Allamah Dr Sir
Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)
News » Lord Mayor of Birmingham entertained by the Academy
On Friday 20th February 2009, the Academy gave a Dinner in honour of Cllr Chauhdry A. Rashid, Lord Mayor of Birmingham, at a local restaurant.
The Lord Mayor is, in fact, a member of the Academy's Management Comittee, which is being kept in abayance for the current year. The Lord Mayor emphasized the fact that in the British society it is possible for a person from a relatively low social background to rise to the highest civic status. The Chairman of the Academy thanked him and the Lady Mayoress for their solidarity with the Academy's intercultural work. Prof. Durrani also presented the Lord Mayor with a Yamani Medallion and his Lady was presented with a bouquet. The Lord Mayor thanked the Academy for the honour they had given him and his Lady and presented to the Academy the Lord Mayor's plaque.